About Us

About Us

Mana Innovation and Power Storage

dba. Mana Security Solutions and Power Storage  was founded by Ka'ainoa "Ka'ai" Ravey, from the beginning Ka'ai wanted to help solve a raising problem on his beautiful state of Hawaii. Ka'ai always wondered how can such a beautiful place on earth be filled with so much crime, vandalism and high energy cost, with this on-going problem Ka'ai created Mobile Energy on Demand. As founder and CEO, Ka'ai invests his passion, innovation and relentless determination to make clean Renewable Energy available to everyone. In 2016 Ka'ai had a vision to capture energy from Kona on the west side or sunny side of the Big Island and transport it to Hilo, or the rainy side of the island. Although his vision was much bigger then what is to come in the immediate future, his dream is now becoming a reality.
Introduction to Mana Innovation and Power Storage

Mana Innovation and Power Storage is a company that specializes in providing mobile energy storage solutions. Their mission is to revolutionize the energy storage industry by providing innovative, efficient, and cost-effective solutions that meet the demands of a rapidly evolving energy landscape. With their cutting-edge technology and experienced team, they aim to provide the best energy storage solutions to their clients.

Revolutionizing Energy Storage

Renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydro electric energy, are becoming increasingly popular due to their positive impact on the environment. However, capturing and storing unused energy from these sources has been a challenge for the energy storage industry. That's where Mana Innovation and Power Storage comes in, a company that has revolutionized the way unused energy is captured and stored using mobile battery storage containers.

Power Storage on Demand

One of the unique features of Mana Innovation and Power Storage is their "Power Storage on Demand" service. This service allows clients to rent energy storage systems that can be easily transported and installed wherever they are needed. This makes it possible for clients to have access to energy storage solutions without the hassle of purchasing and maintaining the equipment themselves.

Capturing Curtailment of Unused Energy

One of the unique features of Mana Innovation and Power Storage is their ability to capture curtailment of unused energy from renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydro electric energy. Their mobile battery storage containers allow for the unused energy to be captured and stored for later use. This not only maximizes the use of renewable energy sources, but it also helps to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels.

Benefits of Mobile Energy Storage Solutions

Mobile energy storage solutions offer a range of benefits to users. Firstly, they provide a flexible and scalable energy storage option, making it possible for clients to adjust their energy storage capacity as needed. Secondly, mobile energy storage solutions are cost-effective, as clients only pay for the storage they need, when they need it. Finally, mobile energy storage solutions are environmentally friendly, as they promote the use of renewable energy sources.

Power Storage

The 4 pillars to our mobile energy storage on demand system is to Capture, Store, Deliver and Utilize the energy. The energy will be stored in file size cabinets and up to 10ft, 20ft and even 40ft BESS containers (up to 1.5MW of storage) and delivered across the island to schools, hotels, small businesses, and residential area substations, helping to balance the utility grid, saving money on energy rates and cut on high demand load charges. Still giving our customers the benefits of renewable energy without the cost of infrastructure and land lost.
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